Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Does anyone know why when I add blogs to follow to my reading list...then when I go back they are not there? 

Thank You God!

In the midst of mourning, God has reminded me today of His blessings!
As I look out my window at the beautiful snowfall, and my little Toby says "oooohhhhh....pretty!!"...I am reminded of the many blessings He has given me.  I am blessed with a wonderful husband who works hard to provide for us everyday, three amazingly beautiful children who I love more than I could have ever imagined, and so much more.  Our community is mourning the loss of a longtime businessman and friend to many, and his two beautiful daughters.  I cannot imagine the pain his wife and son are feeling at this moment.  I pray that God will give them strength to persevere.  I made a phone call yesterday only to hear that a womans 7 week old daughter had passed away.  Such a sad day for their family.  While there is so much tragedy and sadness around me....I am reminded that God has given us so much to be thankful for! 

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Adding to the Khaos

As if I don't have enough khaos already, I have decided to start a blog.  This is all new to me....but I have enjoyed following some of your blogs so much I thought I would attempt!  I have just spent several hours trying to figure out how to set up my blog which has kept me occupied during travel time.  I think I finally got it...now I can't figure out how to follow your blogs.  LOL!!  Stay tuned for many stories of Krcmarik Khaos....and trust me...there are TONS!!   Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving....now back to the hustle and bustle for a few more weeks!!